Village of Bruce

Bruce, Wisconsin

April 2, 2018

Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a scheduled monthly meeting of the Village Board was held on Monday, April 2, 2018.

Village President Mike Newman presided and called to order the meeting at the Village Hall facility at 7:00 p.m. Board members present were Mark Zimmer, Shane Trott, Gayanne Skogen, Bobbi Jo Fillion, John Hoiby and Galen Brainerd. Terry Hegeholz attended also.

Motion by Zimmer, seconded by Trott to approve the Agenda, carried.

Motion by Trott, seconded by Hoiby to dispense of the reading and approve the minutes of the March 5, 2018 Regular Board Meeting, carried.

TREASURER’S REPORT: Motion by Fillion, seconded by Skogen to approve the Treasurer’s report as given, carried.

EMPLOYEE’S REPORT: Darlene Wundrow attended the meeting and informed the Board that residents are being notified to discontinue running water to avoid freeze up. She asked for approval to hire Don’s Sweeper Service again this year to sweep the streets in the Village.  Motion by  Zimmer, seconded by Skogen to approve spending up to $1,000.00 to have the streets in the Village cleaned by Don’s Sweeper Service, carried.  Wundrow  informed the Board that the maintenance workers will be flushing hydrants on April 23rd, 24th, 25th & 26th from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m.    Residents are asked to refrain from running water during this time.  Spring Clean-Up is scheduled for May 11th & 12th with curbside pick-up on May 14th. Wundrow reported that a DNR Engineer will do an inspection of the wastewater treatment plant on April 9th complying with the requirements for a wastewater permit. The meter that the Board wanted tested at a North Alvey Street property has been tested and it is in good working condition. A new meter has been installed at the property.

Karen Hanson-Green Tier Program: Karen Hanson spoke to the Board and gave a background of the work being done by UW Madison, Professor Thor, and her students regarding a hike-ability, bike-ability study.  Results from the study will be available this fall.  That raises the question on what can we do with it and is any funding available for future projects.  This led her to the Legacy Community Alliance for Health organization.  Their goal is to assist communities to achieve goals in one of four area; clean water, active transportation, safe and affordable housing and affordable local food systems. The biggest benefit to municipalities working with the organization is getting the support through data, planning, research and education necessary to understand what to do with the data that comes out of Professor Thor’s study. There is no cost to join the Alliance, just time to attend meetings.  They do require the municipality to participate in the Green Tier Program.  This program is a partnership with a lot of state agencies and especially the Wisconsin DNR.  Their goals are to assist communities who move continuously towards a sustainable future through initiatives that promote environmental stewardship, economic growth, public health and social equity, to assist municipalities in achieving superior environmental performance in water resources and to improve quality of life and economic vitality of communities.  Through the storm water, wastewater, drinking water and wetlands programs the DNR would assist in preparing, implementing & improving over time, a plan that reduces a municipalities and county’s impact on the environment and to give us a preferred to state and federal funding for these programs. To be a part of a Green Tier Community, a liaison from the DNR would be assigned to help us with all the technicalities in any program we decide to pursue. It does require adopting a resolution that states we are joining a voluntary program and we believe that the participation will further enhance our municipality’s current commitment to sustainability and we would benefit from a partnership with the Green Tier Legacy Communities Program by receiving positive recognition.  Quarterly and network meetings would require our attendance and providing an annual report on our progress. Newman stated the resolution will be considered at the May monthly Board meeting.

Bruce Blue Hills Lions Club: Richard Jez of the Blue Hills Lions Club spoke to the Board regarding issues the club is having with activities being scheduled for the Blue Hills Festival in July. He stated he does not want activities scheduled downtown that weekend because it would take away from what is planned at the park. He asked the Board to consider not allowing the car show and craft fair. Comments were made by the Board that they support a community involvement during the festival and do not think anyone is taking funds away from the Lions Club.

PUBLIC COMMENTS: Bob Lorkowski attended the meeting and stated the car show and craft fair was well attended last year during the festival and he planned to organize it again. The event was held on his property on Main Street on the Saturday during the festival.  People had very positive comments about the event and many are looking forward to it again this year.  The event is in no way meant to take away from the events at the park and will only highlight the community that weekend.  He offered to work with the Lions Club to help make the event favorable to everyone involved.

Operator’s License: Motion by Trott, seconded by Zimmer to approve a regular operator’s license for Kira J. Hansen, carried. Motion by Trott, seconded by Zimmer to approve a regular operator’s license for Nathanial L. Hansen, carried. Motion by Trott, seconded by Zimmer to approve a regular operator’s license for Fawn M. Hryniewiecki, carried.

Demolition Permit: Motion by Zimmer, seconded by Skogen to approve a demolition permit for Jeff & Sherri Wallace to demolish their commercial building at 710 W. Arthur Avenue (formerly The Recipe Box Café), carried.

Street Use Permit: Motion by Zimmer, seconded by Skogen to approve a Street Use Permit, if needed, for L’Cars & Classic Auto Collision Center to block off Main Street from Mirr’s Gateway Motel to the drive up at Dairyland State Bank on July 14, 2018 from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., carried.

PSC Application Submittal for Water Meter Replacement: Wundrow reported that we are waiting for approval from the PSC to purchase and install new electronic water meters. Motion by Zimmer, seconded by Trott to approve tabling the “PSC Application Submittal for Water Meter Replacement” issue until the May, 2018 Regular Board Meeting, carried.
Rachel Smith-Water & Sewer Bill Adjustment Request: Wundrow reported that the water meter has been tested and is in working condition. The workers replaced the meter with a different one. Motion by Skogen, seconded by Fillion to deny the request by Rachel Smith for a water & sewer bill adjustment, carried.

Public Works:
Potential New Village Shop: There was no new information regarding the “Potential New Village Shop” issue.
LRIP Projects-Move from other Projects Awarded: Wundrow explained that the money previously awarded for the Walnut Street repaving project and the River Avenue repaving project can be moved to the North 3rd Street repaving project.  Motion by Zimmer, seconded by Fillion to approve applying to the DOT to move awarded monies from the Walnut Street and River Avenue repaving projects to the North 3rd Street repaving project contingent upon approval from the DOT, carried..
North 3rd Street Repaving Project: Once approval is received from the DOT we will advertise for bids for the pre-paving project.

Public Welfare:
Park Playground Equipment-Purchase Approval: The new playground equipment was ordered at the end of March. Delivery is expected within the next 60 days.  Fundraising for the equipment is currently at $23,000.00.  Motion by Trott, seconded by Zimmer to table the “New Playground Equipment at the Village Park” issue until the May, 2018 Regular Board Meeting, carried.  Fundraising will continue for the project until the financial goals are met.
Continue to Pursue Legal Action of Clean Up on E. Washington Avenue Property: Newman reported that the dogs on the property are an issue and in violation of the ordinances. A letter has been sent to the owner. Efforts will continue to get the property cleaned up this Spring.  Motion by Zimmer, seconded by Trott to table the “Continue to Pursue Legal Action of Clean Up on E. Washington Avenue Property” issue until the May, 2018 Regular Board Meeting, carried.
Continue to Pursue Legal Action to Raze Building on W. Railroad Avenue:  Efforts have been made to contact the current owner of the property and a letter has been sent notifying the owner of ordinance violations.  Motion by Zimmer, seconded by Trott to move forward with legal action to raze the building on W. Railroad Avenue and to table the “Continue to Pursue Legal Action to Raze Building on W. Railroad Avenue” issue until the May, 2018 Regular Board Meeting, carried.

Update Ordinances: A Committee meeting will be scheduled to review Section #13 & #14 of the Ordinances.  Motion by Zimmer, seconded by Trott to table the “Update Ordinances” issue until the May, 2018 Regular Board Meeting, carried.

2011 Street Rehab Project Loan Payment: The annual loan payment for the 2011 Street Rehab Project was made on March 6, 2018 to Chippewa Valley Bank in the amount of $30,076.35.  The balance on the loan after making the payment is $84,179.64.
Main Street Project & Water Tower Project Annual Loan Payment: The annual loan payment for the Main Street Project & Water Tower Project was made on March 6, 2018 to Dairyland State Bank in the amount of $14,794.90.  The balance on the loan after making the payment is $41,011.39.
Municipal Property Insurance Company-Policy Premium: The 2018 policy renewal with Municipal Property Insurance Company for property coverage in the Village of Bruce is $4,764.00.  Motion by Zimmer, seconded by Skogen to approve paying the annual policy premium of $4,764.00 to Municipal Property Insurance Company for property coverage, carried.
Worker’s Comp., Liability & Crime-Policy Premiums: Motion by Zimmer, seconded by Skogen to approve paying the annual premium for the Village’s workers comp., liability & crime policies for $16,853.00, carried.
2018 Northwoods Escape-Annual 1/8 Page Advertisement: Motion by Zimmer, seconded by Fillion to approve payment of $125.00 for a 1/8 page advertisement in the 2018 “Northwoods Escape” publication, carried.

Industrial Site:
Advertise for Bids-Industrial Site Land Lease-bid Opening: One bid was submitted for consideration in leasing the Industrial Site land.  Newman opened the bid from Jerry Johnson offering to lease the 21 acres for fifty-six dollars an acre per year for three years. Motion by Zimmer, seconded by Fillion to accept the bid from Jerry Johnson to lease twenty-one acres at the Industrial Site for fifty-six dollars an acre per year for the next three years, carried.


APPROVAL OF BILLS: Motion by Fillion, seconded by Trott to pay vouchers and electronic tax payments totaling $88,247.93, carried.

Spring Election-April 3, 2018. Village of Bruce Polls will be open from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Village residents may vote at the Village Hall, 100 W. River Avenue, Bruce, WI  54819.
Flushing Hydrants-April 23rd, 24th, 25th & 26th, 2018, from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m.  Please refrain from running water during this time.
Spring Clean Up-May 11th & 12th, 2018.  The Village collection site will be open from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.  Curbside Pick-Up will be on Monday May 14th, 2018.  For those who can’t haul their own refuse please call the Village Hall at 715-868-2185 by 3:00 p.m. on Friday, May 11th, 2018, to arrange for pick-up.

ADJOURNMENT: Motion by Fillion, seconded by Trott to adjourn, carried.  Adjournment was at 7:51 p.m.

Terry Hegeholz