Village of Bruce

Bruce, Wisconsin

                                                VILLAGE OF BRUCE
                                          BOARD MEETING MINUTES
August 1, 2016

 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a scheduled monthly meeting of the Village Board was held on Monday, August 1, 2016.

Village President Mike Newman presided and called to order the meeting at the Village Hall facility at 7:00 p.m. Board members present were Mark Zimmer, Shane Trott, Jim Doke, Gayanne Skogen and Jim Moore. Both Clerks attended also.

Motion by Trott, seconded by Doke to approve the Agenda, carried.

Motion by Doke, seconded by Trott to dispense of the reading and approve the minutes of the July 5, 2016 Regular Board Meeting, carried.

TREASURER’S REPORT: Motion by Zimmer, seconded by Trott to approve the Treasurer’s report as given, carried.

EMPLOYEE’S REPORT: Darlene Wundrow attended the meeting and reported the Second Street flushing hydrant has been installed. The workers have been busy mowing grass this summer.

PETITIONERS-CITIZEN COMPLAINTS AND REQUESTS: Phil Arts-Nuisance Bear in Village & Fireworks:  Phil Arts attended the meeting and voiced concerns he has about individuals shooting off fireworks after 11 p.m. in the Village limits.  There were some being shot off as late as midnight and his hunting dog did not react well to the noise. He asked the Board to consider an earlier time limit for them.  Arts also talked to the Board about nuisance bear in the Village.  He has had problems with them in his yard this summer damaging his property and asked the Board to consider making changes to the existing Ordinances that allow residents to feed animals.  He would like them to consider not allowing any feeding tables from April 1st through November 1st. Newman informed him he should contact the USDA Wildlife Services at 1-800-328-1368 every time he has an issue with a bear on his property.  The more calls they receive about nuisance bear activity the more likely they are to come live trap and relocate it.


APPLICATIONS: Operator’s Licenses:  Motion by Zimmer, seconded by Skogen to approve regular operator’s licenses for Kierston J. Melloch, carried.
Fence Permit:  Motion by Zimmer, seconded by Trott to approve a permit for Donna Ames to install a fence on her property at 614 N. 4th Street, carried.
Street Use Permit: Motion by Zimmer, seconded by Trott to approve a Street Use Permit for Glory B’s Irish Saloon, LLC, 832 N. Main Street, to close Railroad Avenue from Main Street east to the alley to hold an anniversary party, street dance and picnic dinner on Saturday, August 6, 2016, carried.
Liquor License: Motion by Zimmer, seconded by Trott to approve amending Glory B’s Irish Saloon, LLC’s original liquor license to include the use of part of Railroad Avenue for their one day event on August 6, 2016.

Public Works:

Potential New Village Shop:  The legal work on securing the property east of the Village Shop is almost complete.  The filings will be done this month.  Motion by Doke, seconded by Zimmer to refer to Committee to meet and discuss options for a new building for the Village Shop and to table the “Potential New Village Shop” issue until the September, 2016 Regular Board Meeting, carried.

Chippewa Avenue Blacktop Replacement-LRIP Funding Project: Blacktop replacement on Chippewa Avenue should be completed in by the end of August, 2016 by Monarch Paving. Motion by Trott, seconded by Doke to table the “Chippewa Avenue Blacktop Replacement LRIP Funding Project” issue, carried. Public Welfare:

Drainage Ditch at Village Park: Newman reported that because we are just replacing the culvert that a permit is no longer required by the DNR to complete the work on the drainage ditch at the Village Park. Motion by Doke, seconded by Trott to approve having Darlene Wundrow get estimates for the work that needs to be done on the drainage ditch and to approve tabling the “Drainage Ditch at Village Park” issue until the September, 2016 Regular Board Meeting, carried.

Pine Trees in Village Park: Wundrow reported she will set up a time with Don Kisinger to meet in mid-October to get his guidance on where the new trees should be planted. The grant will be finalized by the end of 2016.  Motion by Zimmer, seconded by Trott to table the “Pine Trees in Village Park” issue until the September, 2016 Regular Board Meeting, carried.

Committee Meeting July 18, 2016 Report:  The Public Welfare Committee met on July 18th to discuss what needed to be done to get the drainage ditch project moving forward.  They also discussed the proposed ATV route for Highway 40. Permission from the DOT is pending. Unsightly properties were inspected and letters were sent to property owners in violation of Village Ordinances.


Employee Wage Negotiations: Motion by Skogen, seconded by Trott to refer to committee the “Employee Wage Negotiations” issue, carried. A meeting will be scheduled in August to meet and review employee requests.

Committee Meeting July 12, 2016 & July 29th Report: The Administration Committee met to discuss changes to the current Ordinances to include wording about sump pump use in residential homes. They are not allowed to drain into the Village’s sewer system and more specific wording should be added to the Ordinances regarding such.  General Penalties were also reviewed and changes will be recommended at a later date.


Update Ordinances: Motion by Doke, seconded by Trott to refer to committee and to schedule a meeting to discuss updates of Ordinances and to table the “Update Ordinances” issue until the September, 2016 Regular Board Meeting, carried.

Plow Truck Repairs: Nothing new to report. Motion by Zimmer, seconded by Trott to remove the “Plow Truck Repairs” issue from the Agenda, carried.


Schedule September Board Meeting-Holiday Conflict: Motion by Doke, seconded by Skogen to approve scheduling the September Board Meeting for Tuesday, September 6th, 2016 at 7:00 p.m., carried.

 APPROVAL OF BILLS: Motion by Trott, seconded by Zimmer to pay vouchers and electronic tax payments totaling $73,738.44, carried.

 CORRESPONDENCE: Project Lifesaver of Rusk County-Request for Donation:  Motion by Moore, seconded by Trott to discuss the request at the 2017 Budget Workshop, carried.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: The Bruce Girl Scout Troop #3572 has donated $581.00 and Dairyland State Bank has donated $50 to the Bruce Park Playground Equipment Fundraiser. Dairyland State Bank made a cash donation and the Girl Scouts sold baked goods at the Blue Hills Festival and donated their proceeds towards the project.  The Board appreciates their efforts and looks forward to forming an advisory group to help with the development of a new playground area at the Village Park.

Partisan Primary Election will be held on Tuesday, August 9th, 2016.  Poll hours are from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Village residents may vote at the Village Hall, 100 W. River Avenue, Bruce, WI.

 ADJOURNMENT: Motion by Zimmer, seconded by Trott to adjourn, carried.  Adjournment was at 7:30 p.m.

Terry Hegeholz